Best blazers for marriage parties

Best blazers for marriage parties

Marriage is one of the most important things for marriage parties. Having a stylish outfit always gives everyone more confident and fabulous look.

A traditional element of clothes for such event is blazer. But what blazer should you take to look gorgeous. Well, there are plenty of variants and here are some of them that will definitely fit to the situation.

One-sided blazer with two buttons

Classical variant of blazers for every event, but don’t worry, you won’t look boring, if you will choose right blazer for you. First of all, don’t even think about buying a blazer for offices or business conference. You are not at the work, so don’t struggle with such meticulousness. Try flax or velvet blazer. Flax is a very light material that will make you look unconstrained and original. Flax blazers will look good in light colors like white, slightly pink or light blue. Velvet will look more luxurious and still not boring. Velvet makes colors look saturated, so the best variants are black, blue, burgundy, or green.

For flax blazers you’ll need light shirt, it better be out of flax too. The colors should be in a good combination with the blazer. Velvet needs more official types of shirts, but you can still try to show your audacity and pick green shirt. The best variants are still white or black. Such accessory like handkerchiefs for chest pockets is a good way to make your blazer a bit more elegant. You can choose between ties and bow-ties – both will look good with one-sided blazer.

Two-sided with two buttons

These blazers are more of an old school clothes, but will definitely make you look gorgeous. Earlier, two-sided blazers were a uniform for ship captains. Anyway, just like bombers, and cargo pants, these blazers got new life in a world of wide fashion. Nowadays, this is a great variant to show your taste in style and to go in it on different events. For marriage party I would choose velvet and the combinations with shirts are similar to one-sided. Handkerchief is also a good accessory for this blazer just like tie or bow-tie.

One-sided with three buttons

This is the least popular blazer to walk on parties, but still, it definitely deserves a mention. It is very hard to make you look modern and stylish in it, but with the right decisions comes great result. First of all, the color should be dark, but they shouldn’t make you look heavy on you, so go to the tailor first. This rule, actually, is for every suit, but three-buttoned blazer is harder to wear. Secondly, shirts should be traditional. Main factor of looking good in this blazer is accessory. Bow-tie will definitely make your outfit look good. You can also not wear any types of ties, but such accessories like cufflinks, chest pocket handkerchiefs will always make your image look better.

With these blazers you will be the star of the evening and you will attract adequate amount of attention.

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