Handfasting ceremony explained

Handfasting ceremony explained

Unity ceremonies for weddings

Each year, more and more couples choose to make their wedding a little more unique by adding touching unity ceremonies and new traditions to the ceremony and wedding reception. Various unity rituals have become extremely popular in recent years. They come in all shapes and forms but their basic goal is to help the couple feel even more connected to each other. Some of the most popular unity ceremonies include lighting candles, letting go of balloons and layering colored sand. Today, we will tell you about another insanely popular and touching unity ceremony – a handfasting ritual.

What is a handfasting ceremony?

Handfasting ceremonies that are so common at weddings today first appeared in Celtic traditions and were originally mainly used in Pagan and Wiccan ceremonies. The ceremony was originally used to symbolize the binding of two people and it has retained its original meaning today, as during the ceremony the couple actually ties a physical knot as a symbol of their union and marriage.

How to hold a handfasting ceremony at my wedding?

While you can choose to include a hand binding ceremony at any point in your wedding, most couples choose to hold it right before the vows. The ceremony begins with the officiant, who takes time to explain the ceremony to the guests and talk about what the ceremony means to the couple who are being married. Oftentimes, this speech includes statements about the ceremony being a representation of the couple binding their lives together and joining their desires and hopes for the future. Next, the couple joins hands with many people deciding to cross their hands in a way that both their left hands are together and right hands are together as well. Alternatively, you can choose to stand next to each other holding hands, this way they can be bound around your wrists. Once you’ve joined your hands, the officiant can start reading different vows as cords are wrapped around your joined hands. Once all the vows are read, the officiant should talk about the completion of the binding ceremony and once again emphasize what it symbolizes. Finally, after the binding ceremony is complete, you can exchange wows with your wife or husband. Alternatively, you can say your vows during the handfasting ceremony instead of the officiant. This way, you can move on to exchanging the rings right after the ceremony.

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