Best honeymoon places to go in summer

Best honeymoon places to go in summer

Summer is the best time of the year to celebrate a honeymoon. But not all of the places are fitting for it, so you need to think right from the very beginning. To ease this process here is a list of the best places for summer honeymoon.


Maldives is a small country with beautiful and rich nature and definitely deserves a place among this list. Having a villa standing right in the Indian Ocean enjoying sun bathes, swimming and walking along the tropical forests.

Main dishes there are made of rice and fish. Yeah, definitely not very wide variety, but still very delicious.

Heron Island, Australia

This island is a territory of Australia and is strictly controlled by government for not letting to many people to visit it at one time. You’ll be very lucky if you had a chance to spend there your honeymoon. You can leave here in little bungalows by the ocean and enjoy the wild nature, which is very rich and alive. This is the reason of strict control – all the flora and fauna really feels living its own full life and you can watch at how many animals are spending their days.


Fiji is a country that has more than 300 islands. This place is for people who don’t like to chill on the beach and are looking always for adventure. The territory of island is only ⅓ inhabited which gives a lot of freedom in where to go and what places to investigate. Be sure, there’s a lot of things to look, because the nature here haven’t been touched by humans. Fiji will provide you with 5-star hotel, so after coming back from wild nature you’ll have great conditions to relax and have a romantic time with your second half.

Nice, France

Nice is a resort-city in France and quite expensive place to go for a honeymoon, but still, a great place to celebrate new marriage. Besides Mediterranean Sea and beaches, there is also a beautiful English quay for walking and looking at gorgeous and big ships. Nice is a modern city, so there are many places to visit like museums, shops and restaurants.

Paris, France

Of course, magnificent Paris – one of world’s fashion capitals. This place became a definition of love and romance and not without a reason, that is sure. Big city, where everybody has something to do. Of course, for newlyweds there’s a lot of places to be and a lot of things to do. You can join the stream of people on crowded streets and enjoy the silence in many romantic places. The most recognizable place in the world – Eiffel Tower – is a perfect place for couples. The streets are full of loving people, Eiffel Tower shines above all the bustling among people and delivers nothing else but excitement and poetry. And what could be better than having dinner on the top of it? The Louvre is another great place to go and see many beautiful paintings. This city is just filled with love and romance.

Provence, France

If you’ve already been to Paris and think that you’ve seen all France, you’re wrong. Provence provides you with very poetic feels because of the beautiful villages and marvelous flower fields that serve this place as its symbol.

Abacos, Bahamas

This is the island, located on 300 kilometers from Florida, which makes it really chilling and gorgeous place. It is not as populated as Florida that is always full of tourists. Abacos is a quiet place where the only transports are golf carts and boats. There is also a wonderful and cute possibility to swim with pigs (Yes, this is true). On island called Pig Island in honor of these beautiful creatures you can find beaches, where live dozens of pigs. They are friendly and aren’t afraid of humans, so play and swim with them how much you want.

Rome, Italy

Of course, where could we go without a capital of Italy – Rome. It is filled with recognizable and still beautiful architecture and every street has its own unique history. Capital of Italy is beautiful in every time of year, but summer season gives this place much more coziness and friendliness. Summer sun will highlight every aspect of building, every corner of the street and make it look fabulous. Don’t forget about restaurants and tasty food and wine. Visit Vatican, Colosseum, Pantheon – one of the biggest historical places in the world.

Florida, USA

And, finally, sunny Florida – iconic place. Enjoy the spirit of American culture and spend your time with your love by walking along the beaches while enjoying the ocean the sky, converging with one another.


Well, this place became iconic in a pop-culture, so it really needs no explanation of being on this list. Beautiful landscapes, crystal water, volcano that you can climb – what else do you need to feel connected with you beloved one. Of course, you will not get bored, because there are many activities to do like surfing, watching whales, appearing on the seasides and many other exciting things. But most importantly, it creates an intimate atmosphere for the couples.

Venice, Italy

City on the water feels like it was created for love. Sun rays highlight water and make the city play with marvelous shades of color. Of course, you can go shopping, enjoy exquisite and unique Italian architecture and sink in this gorgeous atmosphere.

Takayama, Japan

An unusual place to go, but truly beautiful. This city isn’t full of tourists like Osaka or Tokyo and is filled with traditional Japanese architecture. It creates a historical greatness and romance, because Japanese culture is full of spiritual legacy.

Prague, Czech Republic

Capital of Czech Republic is a great place to have a honeymoon. Old and beautiful city with its own magic, going from every corner of every street. This is the place, where you’ll never be tired and always have a full stomach. Despite having old architecture, Prague feels very young and energetic.

Honeymoon is a tram that delivers you from one stage of life to another. It would be nice, if this “tram” won’t be old, falling apart rattletrap. A better option is to complete this way with style, so that you, and your wife or husband will be pleased.

Tuscany, Italy

Italian culture was alwayas very romantic and beautiful. If you want to feel true spirit of Italy, go to Tuscany and rent a villa in one of the villages. It would be a perfect way to celebrate a honeymoon among tasty food, exquisite vines and charming architecture, where every building has its own history and uniqueness. The nature is making whole world look very authentic and full of magic.

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