6 reasons to be happy about rain on your wedding day

6 reasons to be happy about rain on your wedding day

Rainy day wedding photos look gorgeous

While you may think that the lighting on sunny days is best for taking beautiful wedding pictures, it’s actually not the case – the lighting on cloudy days is much more even, allowing photographers to create beautiful shots. And once you add rain to the mix, the photos become simply magical. Plus, you can liven up your rainy day wedding photographs with beautiful clear dome umbrellas, rain boots and more.

You and your guests will get a chance to cuddle in the rain during your wedding

What can be more calming and romantic than rain? If you’ve always dreamed of a wedding day that’s full of romance both for you and your guests, then rainy weather is perfect for creating the atmosphere you need. After all, there are few things that bring people closer than cuddling together under an umbrella or trying to stay warm in the cold. Plus, you can always light candles to create mood lighting and give a little warmth to your guests.

Rainy weather at a wedding will keep flowers fresh longer

You’ve spent so much time picking your wedding flowers and centerpieces, it would be a real bummer to see them wilt before your celebration is over. Luckily, if the weather is rainy on your wedding day, you can be sure that your flowers will make it through the entire day looking fresh and beautiful.

Rain on a wedding day is a sign of good luck

If you think that rain on your wedding day means that your marriage will be unsuccessful or generally is a sign of bad luck – think again! Many cultures in the world think of rain as a sign of good luck that symbolizes cleansing, renewal and fertility, and who doesn’t want this on their big day? So if you see clouds start gathering in the sky, don’t worry and simply embrace this good sign from the Universe on your big day.

Rain on your wedding day makes for a great story

No matter how much you work to make your wedding be unique, most ceremonies and receptions are very similar to one another, at least to people who didn’t attend them. But one way the stories of your wedding day can stand out from dozens of other weddings is if something crazy happened. Saying your vows in pouring rain, having your wedding dress stained with mud or getting your hair all wet while you’re taking your wedding photographs – all of these details will make your wedding stories unforgettable and fun to listen to.

Rain on your wedding day will keep vendors on their toes

You vendors always want to help make your wedding day unforgettable, but when it starts raining and there’s a big chance that the bride can get upset, most people try to be at the very top of their game, going above and beyond to make your day flawless. So don’t be afraid of a little drizzle – it might just help the rest of your wedding go much more smoothly.

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