Engagement Party Etiquette

Engagement Party Etiquette

Everything you wanted to know about engagement parties: when to throw one, who should host it, who is invited and more. 

First of all, congratulations on your engagement. It’s the beginning of your new life but it’s also time to start thinking about all the wedding preparation routine. The first thing on your list is an engagement party. You would want to share the happiness of your engagement with your closest friends and family. You have tons of options how to throw an engagement party. Will it be a huge fancy celebration or a backyard barbecue is totally up to you. However, there are some important details that you should take into account. There are some things that can’t be skipped and should be carefully planned. So here are some tips for you on an appropriate engagement party etiquette. 

When To Throw an Engagement Party?

This should be done when the news about the engagement are still fresh. You can even want to actually announce your engagement at this party.

Who Hosts the Engagement Party?

Traditionally, the engagement party is hosted by the bride’s parents, however you can do it yourself or have your friends host it for you. 

Who Do You Invite to the Engagement Party?

Traditionally, you should invite people you will be inviting to your wedding but the list will probably be shorter. However, if the party is informal and you live far from some of your friends and relatives, just invite the closest ones. If it’s a formal party, both families should receive invitations.

How To Organize Engagement Party Toasts?

If you are throwing a formal engagement party that is hosted by the bride’s parents, there will be a determined order of toast givers. First, the bride’s father gives a toast to the couple, then, the fiancé rises and toasts his bride and her parents, and then to his own parents. If it’s an informal party everyone can just speak up. 

Should Your Guests Give You Gifts?

Gifts are not required on the engagement parties, however, expect some of your guests to bring them. It’s believed to be a bad tone to come to a party empty-handed. The type of gifts you can receive depends on what kind of party you throw. For the formal party you might even want to prepare a wishlist but if it’s an informal party don’t expect anything huge. 

How To Send Out Engagement Party Invitations?

Depending on how much time passes after your engagement to your engagement party, you can decide the way you will inform your guests about the event. If the party is right around the corner, a phone call or an email would work just fine. If you are serious about planning a party and it’s months away, you can send out the invitations by mail. Then you can include more details and make the whole thing fancier. 

What Should Guests Wear to an Engagement Party?

You can choose to specify a dress code for your guests, depending on what kind of party you are planning. You might want to choose a themed party, then everyone needs to know the theme in advance to prepare. Otherwise, guests would just decide themselves. You should also follow the dress code.

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