Upgrading your engagement ring

Upgrading your engagement ring

Whatever your reasons for wedding ring upgrades are, the most important thing is that this delicate situation is carried out correctly. Maybe you just stopped loving your engagement ring for some reason or now you and your husband have much more money than you used to before you got married or maybe you just want something more modern. Your engagement ring carries some sentimental value for your marriage and you probably want to keep it while upgrading the ring itself. Here are some things you should consider before making any moves towards an engagement ring upgrade.

How to tell your partner you want to upgrade your engagement ring?

Your partner was the one to give you the ring. This decision can’t be made without him. Maybe you’ve talked about the possible upgrade from the very beginning or maybe your style has changed with time. The first thing you should do is talk to your partner, no matter what reasons for upgrading the ring you have. You don’t want to leave them behind and hurt them. This can also be a great chance for the two of you to shop for the engagement ring together and relive your wedding preparation hustle. Don’t rush the decision, everything should be carefully thought through.

What is your budget for an engagement ring upgrade?

If you want to upgrade your ring because you’ve always wanted to get a new one when you start earning more money, this step should also be taken. Decide on your budget – how much money are you willing to spend on a new ring? Remember that the price will depend on many factors and if you want to get a bigger stone – be prepared to spend more money. A typical range for an engagement ring pricing is from $600 to $4,000. If you’re on a budget, maybe now is not the best time to upgrade your ring? Or you can sell your old ring to buy a new one.

What are your new preferences for your upgraded diamond ring?

You should know what you are looking for. If you are updating your ring just because it no longer suits you, then what will? Do your research and look up some ideas of what you want to change in your ring. Do you want to have a less glamorous or more glamorous band? Do you need a different stone? Or do you just want a larger carat diamond?

Get your engagement ring appraised

Jewelry is a good investment because its market worth typically goes up as time passes. So even if you know exactly how much was your ring worth before, it might be a good idea to get your ring appraised again. You might be surprised by the current value of your engagement ring that you can use towards buying a new one.

Find your new engagement diamond

After you figure out what you want, it’s time to start looking for a new ring. Maybe you don’t want a completely new ring but just want to update the one you already have? Then just go to the jewelry store and ask for all the upgrades. If you are sure that you want a new ring, you can start with online shopping to get an idea of what you can buy and how much it costs. And then dive into real jewelry shopping with your significant other.

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